Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tips for Questionnaire Design homework, Session 2

Hi all,

A few quick tips on HW3 of Session 2.

1. Prioritizing and Streamlining the Problem Statement
 It probably would have become amply clear that in less than 12 minutes of respondent time, getting enough info out of respondents to address all of the things Flipkart wants is infeasible. This in turn emphasizes the *prioritize* aspect of the problem description. Typically, in real business settings also, due to time and cost constraints, not everything a client wants can always be covered. Prioritizing what's important and do-able is critical. Pls make assumptions as necessary and narrow down the questionnaire scope such that it can be completed in the time constraint mentioned.

2. Using Skip-logic
Qualtrics (and most other websurvey software) allow you to program "skip-logic" into questions. This means that based on answers to so-called "gateway" questions, different respondents can be directed to different locations in the questions thereby 'skipping' entire blocks of questions that are not relevant to them.
For example, a person who doesn't use e-shopping and doesn't intend to do so in the future can be safely directed away from many of the Qs that concern particular e-shopping behavior.

3. Feel free to borrow from the web and other sources
Some preliminary exploratory discussions with Flipkart users to understand their purchase decision process *before* questionnaire design can be immensely helpful. Similarly, if there are sections of questionnaires available online (e.g. demographics, psychographics, domain related etc.) or from other sources, feel free to borrow and adapt to your needs. But *please* cite the source. I would imagine a thorough look-through Flipkart's website itself would be a good starting point.

Hope that helps.


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